Club Forms and Procedures

Playing up is the exception rather than the rule in youth soccer. When it is appropriate for soccer development, the opportunity for the player to play with older players shall be considered. Requests to “play up” must be made in writing to the board prior to the first tryout date. The board will review the request with the appropriate coaches. If permission is granted to tryout at an older age group, the player must commence their tryout with the age appropriate group. Then, with the permission of the board, the player may move to the older age group for evaluation purposes. (Based upon an evaluation with the age appropriate group, the board may deny the player a tryout with the older team).
The FLORIDA YOUTH SOCCER ASSOCIATION (FYSA), and/or the BONITA YOUTH SOCCER, INC. (BYS), require permission from a parent/guardian for any soccer player to “play up” in an older age group as governed by birth year. This request must also be approved by the BYS’s board for ANY player requesting to “play-up” one year AND the FYSA’s Director of Coaching for ANY player requesting to “play-up” more than one year.

FYSA permits registered players to participate with other US Youth Soccer affiliated teams as long as proper permission is granted by the registering affiliate using the current FYSA guest player form. No player is guaranteed the right to guest play, as permission may be denied by the registering affiliate at their discretion.