Azzurri Partners with Nagele College Planning
The Azzurri Storm Soccer Club is excited to endorse Siggi Nagele, President/CEO of Nagele College Planning to provide his professional college planning services to Azzurri Storm players and their families on an individual or team basis.
Siggi Nagele has more than 30 years of experience placing young men and women into the college/university of their choice and well over 300 students placed already. Siggi has experience with all facets of the college process and he can provide advice, assistance, and guidance in the areas of admissions, financial aid, recruiting, etc.
For more information click the links on the bottom of the page. To set up a free initial consultation, email siggi.nagele@gmail.com or call 727-424-4071.
Nagele College Planning Executive Summary

Almost 90% of parents state a college education is what they want most for their child. But most have no idea where to start. Parents are advised to have their child go to their school counselor but the average student to counselor ratio is 460:1. This leaves a real disconnect; along with a shortage of advice, information and real-life facts. Students need these tools to pursue higher education. So where do they go?
My parents told me if I wanted to go to college, I would have to do it on my own. It wasn’t because they were harsh or uncaring. They simply couldn’t afford it financially.
Now, almost 40 years later, children all over this country are still hearing the same reply. As college costs continue to soar, so does the stress on parents trying to get their child into a university. They simply don’t know how to find the money. It is why I formed Nagele College Planning. NCP provides guidance, counseling, tools, advice and, most importantly, honesty. We are equipped to help those beginning or going through the College Planning or Selection Process.
Our program uses state-of-the-art service but with a personal touch. We deliver one-on-one interaction providing detailed instructions every step of the way. Each student receives a personalized strategy with organized timelines so parents and students can plan accordingly, no matter what grade they’re currently in. NCP’s professional guidance gives you peace of mind.
You won’t ever wonder, “What if…?” because we prepare everything related to finding, selecting and being able to pay for the school of your choice.
Pure and simple-A four year degree is expensive! Yet it is essential.
Just as finding the right job is important to your livelihood and success, so is choosing the right college. The average public and private school price tags rise every single year. It is a Business for the colleges. They are in it to make money.
So how do you guarantee your child gets chosen and gets financial help to go along with it? You succeed by having a plan; a course of action which will market your child in the best possible light. Remember, it’s a business.
Over 23 million students plan to gain entrance into college by 2020. While this number is an all-time high, only 71% applying will actually get accepted. So right out of the gate- almost 7 million students each year will not even get in the front door and of the chosen freshmen who do start, almost 36% consider transferring their very first year. Why? Because they feel they didn’t make the right choice. This is further proof of poor planning. It’s a costly decision easily circumvented by using NCP. Nagele College Planning delivers a unique approach of Career Planning first through an intensive Interest Cluster Analysis. This in-depth questionnaire allows us to determine the student’s strengths and interests and what majors and possible career choices they align with best. Then NCP provides a “Super Match” list. Essentially, it provides the student with a list of schools having the best reputation in their “matched’ majors. Not only do we provide a list of schools, but each family is also given financial guidance and Test Preparation curriculum for the SAT/PSAT and ACT.
Again, each Preparation curriculum is specifically designed for each individual. The student will know all the demands required of each chosen college and what is expected before the first application is ever filled out. Basically, NCP provides you with the best college resume/application you could ever get. We help you fill in the blanks. And the best part is- we tell you exactly what your preferred college is looking for so you are totally prepared and come across as a candidate they don’t want to miss out on. It gives you the upper hand.
While college is expensive, it does pay for itself in the long run. A high school dropout only earns about $19k a year compared to a High School graduate at $27k. But a College graduate with a Bachelor’s degree earns around $51k while advanced degree holders average around $75k. This means a high school grad working 40 years compared to a College Graduate will earn about one million dollars less.
Let NCP help your child earn every dollar they deserve while you provide their education at the lowest possible price.
We can do this together. We’ve got a proven track record. NCP has placed over 500 students in colleges of their choice. We are known in the industry for excellent service, and unparalleled performance. We educate and inform from every angle so it positively influences the student to have the very best outcome. NCP is asked to speak at College Seminars, Athletic Sporting Events, Educational forums, Coach’s conferences, Team- Building meetings, Financial symposiums and private functions. They want us in front of parents, students, coaches and counselors because we have the answers.
Call us today to get started.
Nagele College Planning
Siggi Nagele, President/CEO